Overlord is an umbrella project for various governance related activities that occur within JBoss. However the current project website is structured in the same way as other project sites - it has a subversion repository, jira issue tracking, downloads section, etc.
In the past, these facilities were used to provide capabilities for 'incubating' new ideas before they were potentially spun out into new or existing projects. However this has created a confusing situation where it is not clear whether Overlord provides code in its own right, or is just an umbrella (or 'landing site') for governance related ideas.
As there has been no 'incubation' activities for some time, it seems more sensible to restructure the site and focus it on providing the umbrella for other projects.
So the current plan is to keep the user and development forums, as the location for general governance discussions or topics that may span across the referenced projects.
However references to the svn repository, jira and downloads would be removed, so that no code or downloadable artifact will be associated with Overlord.
If anyone has any thoughts on this topic, please let us know as soon as possible.