0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 1, 2011 3:58 AM by theanswer

    Rich Tree showing and hiding modalpanel on expand


      <rich:tree  onexpand="#{rich:component('loadingPanel')}.show();"     changeExpandListener="#{menu.changeExpandListener}"


      nodeFace="#{treeNode.parent.parent == null ? 'node' : 'leaf'}" treeNodeVar="treeNode"   id="tree"

      nodeSelectListener="#{menu.processSelection}"  switchType="ajax"

      value="#{menu.treeNode}"   reRender="tree"   var="item">


      <a4j:support  onsubmit="#{rich:component('loadingPanel')}.show();"



        reRender="tree"   />




      Okey, on select I show the modalpanel and hide it. Onexpand I am trying to do the same, however on expand the modal panel is showing but oncomplete its not hiding the modalpanel. I tested  oncomplete="alert(document.getElementById('loadingpanel'))" and it returns null to me.


      However, do note this is only happened on internet explorer but not on Mozzilla firefox. Whats the solution?