1 2 Previous Next 16 Replies Latest reply on Mar 22, 2011 3:50 AM by maxandersen Go to original post
      • 15. Re: My issues (or missunderstandings) with Jboss Tools

        The project is rather large, trying to make a cut down version of it will take quite some time as just dropping the .java/jar files will still leave too much in the directory structure.


        I'm probably going to have to give up on this upgrade I think. My last effort to get the xsd file thing working has broken a whole bunch of stuff and I have no idea why. I have 1 single level 1 JSP file in my project which now is unable to compile even though I made no changes to it.


        Maybe somewhere in the JSF support it gets all confused about my WEB-INF directory and tries to use it's own, this has cascading issues throughout my whole project to the point where it just falls in a heap.


        I guess the real issue here is that all this functionality should try work out the stuff it needs. If it can't find it it should *not* create it, it should ask where it can be found. I should be able to find a window where I can say here is my xsd file for my tag lib. Rather then it just looking for it in the WEB-INF directory. Wizards are great until they start not allowing you to manually specify things that may not fit the wizard.



        EDIT: So, I decided to go to my taglib.xml file and touch it. I added a space and saved it. Now my tag auto complete is back. I'm not going to touch any settings now. I've spent the best part of 5 hours over 2 days trying every different combination I can think of to get as much functionality from the plugin as I can.



        Ultimately, all you need to do to test this is create a project where the directory structure is not standard. Don't have a single src folder, Don't have WEB-INF directory under your web source directory. Source code layout should never have to reflect a deployment structure.


        For instance when I add JSF support to my project and set the source path to X:\directory\path\code\gekko\gekko-web\prod-src\java it creates a linked directory in my project


        /gekko/src (which points to)-> X:\directory\path\code\gekko\gekko-web\prod-src\java


        Why does it need to do this? I've told it where the source is what good is *another* pointer to the directory?

        • 16. Re: My issues (or missunderstandings) with Jboss Tools

          Tim, we don't need a *working* project just the basic project metadata with a few files so we can reproduce.

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