3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 5, 2011 4:56 AM by gerryjun

    rich:listShuttle - index position of item on target and source




          Is it possible to get the item position of the item on iether the target or source list? basically i need the list the show as;



      any clue on how to achive this?


      1. dog1.  Snake
      2. cat
      3. Bird




                      <rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{importBean.fileSource}"

                          targetValue="#{importBean.fileTarget}" var="items" listsHeight="150"

                          sourceListWidth="130" targetListWidth="130" sourceCaptionLabel="Mappings"

                          targetCaptionLabel="Import File fields"  id="fileListShuttle">  


                              <h:outputText value="[position on the list for target or source]"></h:outputText>



                              <h:outputText value="#{items.name}"></h:outputText>



