1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 23, 2011 9:04 PM by jaredmorgs

    Parent Pom for Documentation and Maven warnings ?




      Is PressGang working on creating a Parent pom to use instead of having the several pages of repeated pom.xml content spread out in all projects ?


      i.e. one that just sets up the basic dependencies with overridable versions and then the -P<doctype> profiles ?



      And what do you guys do/think about the Maven warnings:

      [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for org.jboss.tools.template.documentation:template_reference-en-US:jdocbook:1.0
      [WARNING] 'artifactId' contains an expression but should be a constant. @ org.jboss.tools.template.documentation:${docname}-${translation}:1.0, /Users/max/Documents/code/jbosstools/trunk/module_template/docs/reference/pom.xml, line 13, column 15


      Caused by the ${} variables in the artifact id which for publishing to a repository needs to be constant.

        • 1. Re: Parent Pom for Documentation and Maven warnings ?

          Hi Max


          Sorry for the delay in responding. The forums were not notifying me about new posts, so my apologies for my tardiness.


          Regarding the Parent Pom idea, that sounds like a great idea. Anything to reduce pom complexity is a great thing to get working.


          I'm currently a one-man-band with PressGang, so would appreciate any help I can get with stuff like this.


          Geoffrey de Smet has helped out a lot by refactoring the pressgang-tools poms, however I'm unsure whether the current structure would allow overrides like you suggest.


          Could you do us a favour and capture this request in a JDOCBOOKSTYLE Jira? I think it's worthwhile capturing this request officially so it gets some traction. People like Geoffrey can review the Jira and add suggestions as to how we can implement it.


          Apart from Geoffrey, can you recommend any people I could turn to for guidance about getting the Parent pom set up?


          Regarding the Maven warnings, I've not seen these before either. Have you tried upgrading your docs poms to reference the new pressgang-style dependencies? Perhaps this might prevent these errors in your build process?


          The dependencies we use to build the JBoss Documentation Guide using Jenkins are located in it's pom, which you can view here:




          Please get in touch again if the updated presgang style dependencies don't fix that error for you.


          Thanks again

