2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 21, 2009 5:28 AM by meghiddo

    NodeSelectListener issues (please help)

      Alright, I have a tree that display a list of projects, and under each project a list of devices that belong to it. I need to have things change when a user clicks on a device or on a project. I have it to the point where if a user clicks on a project, it will do what I want. But when a user clicks on a device under the project I get this error:

      WARNING: /disposable/test.xhtml @47,99 nodeSelectListener="#{treeClickBean.projectSelection}": java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to nodesContainer.ProjectHolder

      I have a List of Objects bound to my rich:tree (the Object is called ProjectHolder). So for my rich tree I did this for the nodeSelectListener:

      <rich:tree nodeSelectListener="#{treeClickBean.projectSelection}" reRender="selectedNode"
       switchType="client" ajaxSubmitSelection="true" ajaxKeys="#{null}">
       <rich:treeNodesAdaptor nodes="#{nodesBean.projects}" var="project">
       <h:outputText value="#{project.projectName}" />
       <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{project.devicesList}" var="device">
       <h:outputText value="#{device}" />

      This calls the following method:

      public void projectSelection(NodeSelectedEvent event){
       HtmlTree tree = (HtmlTree) event.getComponent();
       node = (ProjectHolder) tree.getRowData();

      And then I have a h:outputText to display the value of that name variable. So when a user clicks on the project, the projectId is displayed as intended.

      But my problem is with when a user clicks on the device. If I do it as is, I get the error above saying cannot convert from String to ProjectHolder Object.

      I tried adding a nodeSelectListener attribute to the device treeNode, that uses String values instead of the ProjectHolder Object but it does the same. I would like to find a way to just manipulate that java code, and leave the tree as is, with only the one nodeSelectListener attribute in the first rich:tree tag.

      Oh and one other thing, this part of the tree:
      <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{project.devicesList}" var="device">
       <h:outputText value="#{device}" />

      is actually referring to a List of devices, not just a String with one device.

      So Im sure there is a way to manipulate that projectSelection() method above where it can tell the difference between clicking on the project name or one of the devices from the List right? I was looking at stuff like (this is incomplete btw):

       TreeNode currentNode = tree.getModelTreeNode(tree.getRowKey());
       if (currentNode.isLeaf()){
       Iterator<Map.Entry<Object, TreeNode>> it = currentNode.getChildren();
       while (it!=null &&it.hasNext()) {
       Map.Entry<Object, TreeNode> entry = it.next();

      to add to the projectSelection method, but this has givem me no luck as of yet.

      Can anyone please give me some guidance on this one?

        • 1. Re: NodeSelectListener issues (please help)

          So, tree's row data for that node cannot be cast to ProjectHolder. That's the right behavior, not all tree items are project holders.
          You can have different selection listeners by specifying them on different treeNode components.

          • 2. Re: NodeSelectListener issues (please help)

            I tried adding a nodeSelectListener to

             <h:outputText value="#{device}" />

            But it still gave me issues as before, sayng it could not be cast to the ProjectHolder Object, Im sure I just did something wrong though, God I wish I could just know how to use this stuff!!