0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 18, 2011 5:51 AM by feuyeux

    About UI:repeat and a4j:repeat


      Firstly, please review my code segment:


      <a4j:repeat id="groupRP"...>


                          <a4j:repeat id="itemRP"...>




                             <a4j:commandLink id="#{item.id}Link" actionListener="#{controller.handleMenu}" ...>







      My question is why using ui:repeat instead of a4j, the flow cannot go into the action method controller.handleMenu?

      I watch the flow, when using ui:repeat, it goes through all the 6 phases but it doesn't go into the method in phase 5th.


      I inspect the both html code, they are same:


      <a href="#" id="menuForm:groupRP:0:itemRP:1:Link" name="menuForm:groupRP:0:itemRP:1:Link"



      {&quot;parameters&quot;:{&quot;selectedMenu&quot;:&quot;menu1003&quot;} ,&quot;incId&quot;:&quot;1&quot;} );return false;">




      I know using ui for the page's frame and the a4j tag is used for function/biz.


      However, I need to understand the flow totally.


      Would you please tell me the details if you grasp the truth.



      Lu Han