2 Replies Latest reply on May 4, 2011 10:54 AM by h.wolffenbuttel

    ESB provide a way to read soap ?


      Hello ....... I have 2 doubt


      1) I'd like know if there's a way provided by jboss esb for unmarshall a soap inside a message ? Or do I need do it by jaxb, saaj ... ?

      This soap came in the message and I need get the values.


      2) I'm using  Message esbMessage =  SOAPProcessor.getMessage(); to get the message, but getMessage() is deprecated. What can I use instead that ?






      Message esbMessage =  SOAPProcessor.getMessage();

      String soapmsg = esbMessage.getBody().get().toString();



      <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://phpwebservice_producer/orderplaced" xmlns:ns2="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap">





























        • 1. ESB provide a way to read soap ?

          ESB is agnostic about what's inside the message body.      You should use jaxb or castor or whatever your favorite Unmarshaller is to do this.

          • 2. ESB provide a way to read soap ?

            However, if you use EBWS then SOAP is automatically removed from your message.


            In terms of what to use for SOAPProcessor.getMessage(), i believe you just need to get the body like you are already doing (

            String soapmsg = esbMessage.getBody().get().toString();    ) but this time you get it from the action you place after your SOAPProcessor because it is delivering the reponse in the default location.



