1 Reply Latest reply on May 10, 2011 6:46 AM by snaker

    how to customize rich:dropdownmenu styleclasses




      I want to customize rich:dropdown menu. In the dropdown and rich:menuitem, there is a space coming for label and image(icon atrribute).


      I do not want that space to come and also the dropdown values should appear exactly under the label, default it is coming down and right side of the


      label. Please find attachement how the final rich dropdown menu should look like.

        • 1. Re: how to customize rich:dropdownmenu styleclasses

          You must overwrite the style class of dropdownmenu



          This class defines styles

          for the label of the dropdown


          headerFamilyFont font-family


          This class defines styles

          for the drop-down menu

          when it is disabled.

          tabDisabledTextColor color


          This class defines styles

          for the label of the dropdown

          menu when it is


          headerFamilyFont font-family


          This class defines the

          positioning of the dropdown


          No skin parameters.


          This class defines styles

          for the label of the dropdown

          menu when it is


          No skin parameters.

          .rf-ddm-lst panelBorderColor border-color

          This class defines styles

          for the drop-down list.

          additionalBackgroundColor background-color


          This class defines styles

          for the background of the

          drop-down list.

          additionalBackgroundColor border-color


          This class defines the

          positioning of the menu

          when used as a submenu.

          No skin parameters.

          .rf-ddm-itm generalFamilyFont font-family

          This class defines styles

          for a menu item.

          generalSizeFont font-size

          Chapter 11. Menus and toolbars Draft


          Class (selector) Skin Parameters Mapped CSS properties

          .rf-ddm-itm-sel headerBackgroundColor border-color

          This class defines styles

          for a menu item when it is


          tabBackgroundColor background-color


          This class defines styles

          for a menu item when it is


          No skin parameters.


          This class defines styles

          for a menu item when it is


          tabDisabledTextColor color


          This class defines styles

          for the label in a menu


          generalTextColor color


          This class defines styles

          for the icon in a menu item.

          No skin parameters.


          This class defines styles

          for an empty icon in a

          menu item.

          No skin parameters.


          This class defines styles

          for a menu separator.

          panelBorderColor border-top-color


          This class defines styles

          for a menu node.