0 Replies Latest reply on May 11, 2011 10:56 AM by marcusdidiusfalco

    JBoss 6 Final, how to get rid of messages




      sorry if thi is the wrong forum but I haven't found one for HornetMQ.


      I cannot find out how to delete undeliverable messages in HornetMQ.


      With JBoss 4.x I knew how to delete messages from HSQL.

      It seems that HornetMQ does not use an RDBM for persisting messages.

      I tried to delete messages with the JMX-console but have not been successfull.

      removeMessages does not remove any messages (without a filter)

      removeMessage produces an error (... something more specific would be greatly appreciated).

      How do I find out the correct id of a message I need to delete?

      I have the string and some subtrings of the output listMessages produces, without success.


      And what is wrong with the following snippet from hornetq-configuration.xml?

      I thought thi would limit rediveries to 3 attempts. But in reality I see indefinite redilivering.



            <!--defaultfor catch all-->

            <address-setting match="#">











      Many thanks for any help,

