1. Re: JSFUnit logo and mascot!
ajesse Jun 24, 2011 3:32 AM (in response to ssilvert)Very cute little chap. I like that logo.
name? How about Clark?
It's not so obvious what the glasses are about. But that still can be explained on a intro-page to JSFUnit
Maybe a very subtle color touch could add a bit of spice to the logo?
3. Re: JSFUnit logo and mascot!
ajesse Jun 29, 2011 3:12 AM (in response to ssilvert)Still looks nice... Although when looking at the smaller rendering the first design has cooler eyes... in the second proposal the glasses just seem to be filed with mist.
And the lowercase lettering improves quite a bit. Though... the dot on the i somehow seems to large...
I know I came up with Clark for some reasoning, but (Shame...) I can't remember what reasoning it was. I think it has to do with "Cute Little Chap". And starting with Cl, Clark came up. Today I would say..,. I call him Clark, 'cause he looks "like a Clark" ... ok some memory came back... Clark is also the name of ... Superman (Clark Kent)!!! Looking at this rendering there is even some resemblance between the two.. somehow our Clark seems to be the young Clark Kent...