0 Replies Latest reply on May 12, 2011 9:26 AM by jobmathew

    A4j button action based on severity message


      Hi All,


      I wanted to create a wizard like effect on richface 3,3.

      I redender the page area when next button clicks.


      redendering is done by calling an action of the a4j: button


      now i dont want to go to next page if there is any message queued. is it possible to do an EL if check inside action ??


      I tried like below and its not working



      action="if (#{facesContext.maximumSeverity==null}) #{projectBean.toWizardPage2()}"


      action="#{facesContext.maximumSeverity==null}  ? projectBean.toWizardPage2():''}"


      any help is highly appreciated


      Thank you