I was trying to create an monitor/notification service in JBoss 6 [Final]. Basically below is what I was trying to achieve.
1. Create a listener or something similar, which will listen to specific events (Error conditions/exception such as memory consuption exceeds some limits, deployment errors ...etc ).
2. Whenever the event occurs, send a mail notification to a some email id.
I did some investigation on this and found that "Monitoring and Alert" services were supported in JBoss 4.x .
Most of the examples I found over the internet was using the old web console we had in JBoss 4.x
Below is one such link:
The Old "web console" is now replaced with a "admin console" in Jboss 6 , But it seems to be not having Monitor and Alerts services included.
Is there any alternative way to so this in Jboss 6 ?
Thanks in advance
No responses yet... ? So is this something that is not supported in JBoss 6 ?