1 2 3 Previous Next 30 Replies Latest reply on Mar 3, 2012 5:26 AM by wdfink Go to original post
      • 15. Re: clustering, first approach

        here files from node1 and node2.

        • 16. Re: clustering, first approach

          The first error for both server.log files is that the 8083 port is in use.

          It looks like that you can not start just one of the instances.


          Let rethink a bit.

          What if you start a fresh unzipped JBoss?

          • 17. Re: clustering, first approach

            that IS a new fresh JBOSS 5.1; the only thing is that i copied the /all server and renamed it as node1 and node2 ( as the guide says ). I tryed to launch nodes as a cluster in the 3 different modes ( always the guide, cap.1 quickstart )

            • 18. Re: clustering, first approach

              But it looks like that the first can not connect to port 8083 ?!

              What if you start only one instance could you check it and provid your start command?

              • 19. Re: clustering, first approach

                run -c all


                here the log

                • 20. Re: clustering, first approach

                  this is the output from:


                  run -c all -b -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1


                  run -c node1 -b -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=2



                  it starts good, the cluter is created but suddenly an error jumps out in the second node

                  • 21. Re: clustering, first approach

                    Looks that is not a good IP to start a cluster.

                    The 0.1 address starts, but the 0.2 have problems.

                    You should set 'virtual' IP addresses for your network interface (see advanced properties of the IP interface dialog) and use this.

                    • 22. Re: clustering, first approach

                      thank you!

                      i'll try this in few days


                      p.s. can you explain better how to do this? I have read that is a pool of IPs used for the localhost. It seems that my Win7 grants only Moreover the guide ( and all the world... ) uses IPs like 192.168.1.xxx as IPs for JBOSS nodes in a cluster. I can't set a single IP that differs from In the end it seems that the problem is not JBOSS butmy VM o pc and all those network stuff!

                      • 23. Re: clustering, first approach

                        Yes indeed, the network is the problem


                        One example ...

                        If you run the JBoss instance direct on your Windows.

                        The PC is in a local network (e.g. behind a router or in a company environment) Windows will have a IP address like 192.168.x.y (reserved for internal use).

                        The IP is automatic provided by a DNS (Router or dedicated server), you will see it in the network properties of your machine

                        You should set a virtual IP address for each JBoss, can be done by the advanced dialog of your network interface (from the last step).


                        After that you are able to start JBoss with -b for each virtual IP address (do not use the physical), the ports might unchanged.

                        • 24. Re: clustering, first approach

                          is this the procedure http://www.itsyourip.com/networking/how-to-add-multiple-ip-address-in-windows-2000xp2003/ ?


                          i'm using win7 and:

                          - what network do i need to choose ( see the attached picture )? LAN?

                          - what protocol ( IPv4 or IPv6 )?

                          - doing this could i have connection problems?



                          thank you very much!!!

                          • 25. Re: clustering, first approach

                            The how-to is the way.

                            If you start the JBoss instances direct on your windows the LAN interface is the correct one.


                            If you remember the current setting you can set the correct gateway (if automatic) in your manuell configuration. IF you have problems you can switch back to the working configuration.

                            • 26. Re: clustering, first approach

                              Usually if you satrt 2 instances of JBoss on the same machine and you want to start them in a cluster, just use different ports or create a loopback adapter with another ip adress under windows. JBoss automatically takes localhost/ if you dont bind it to a different one (-b).


                              The first approach would be to just start the server instances with:


                              -run.bat -c yourconfig -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1


                              for the 2nd instance just use ...ports-02 and ...ServerPeerID=2. These sets are defined for JBoss AS 6 in /server/all/conf/bindingservice.beans/META-IND/bindings-jboss-beans.xml



                              If you still plan to use different ip addresses with -b, add a loopback adapter to windows by:

                              -> System properties -> Hardware -> Select Add new Hardware -> Manual installation -> Networkadapter -> Microsoft + Microsoft Loopback-adapter


                              and then add an ip address of your choice under tcp/ip properties for the corresponding just created network adapter.



                              But actually the above mentioned configuration should do it and should also solve the broadcast issue.



                              One remark: if you start different clustered JBoss instances under windows on a single machine, duplicate the all config and rename it to a unique configname (no spaces) and use it for the -c yourConfig start-up option to avoid problems.

                              2011-05-25 12h33_55.png

                              I hope that helps.

                              • 27. Re: clustering, first approach



                                I have read all the posts and I couldn´t find the answer for the question:


                                for Jboss6.X Do I need to configure the DefaultDS in a RDBMS like SQL Server, MySql, Oracle and not to use the Hipersonyc? the reason arte the TimerService for the EJB´s?


                                Thanks whether anyone can answer



                                • 28. Re: clustering, first approach

                                  Yes, the EJB_TIMER tables are persistent in Hypersonic by default.

                                  • 29. Re: clustering, first approach

                                    Hi Thanks for your answer


                                    But, what does the EJB_TIMER save?

