8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 26, 2012 7:22 AM by objectiser

    Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference



      I have some problem using the Dynamic Endpoint Reference assign. I'm trying to change the partnerLink endpoint using the following bpel assign form:


      <bpel:assign name="assignChangeServiceEndpoint">





      <bpel:to partnerLink="goal2problemPlanSubplanPartnerLink"/>



      No error was raised but the assign doesn't have effect to the invoke activity. (the new endpoint wasn't call).


      I have the same result if I use the assign form:



      <bpel:from variable="myInputControlVar" part="control">

      <bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0">mainflow:Address</bpel:query>


      <bpel:to variable="partnerLinkAddress"/>




      <bpel:to partnerLink="goal2problemPlanSubplanPartnerLink"/>



      Where the variable partnerLinkAddress is a string


      <bpel:variable xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"





      But if I use the following form:



                                             <bpel:from variable="myInputControlVar" part="control">

                                                <bpel:query queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0">mainflow:Address</bpel:query>


                                             <bpel:to variable="partnerLinkAddress"/>



                                             <bpel:from variable="partnerLinkAddress"/>

                                             <bpel:to partnerLink="goal2problemPlanSubplanPartnerLink"/>



      The following error is raised:


      2011-06-23 09:30:29,646 WARN [org.apache.ode.bpel.epr.EndpointFactory] (ODEServer-10) Couldnt create any endpoint for element <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

      <service-ref xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/serviceref"><temporary-simple-type-wrapper xmlns="">http://localhost:9081/goal2problemSubplan</temporary-simple-type-wrapper></service-ref>



      Do you have any suggest? Do you know where am I in wrong?


      Thanks for your help.


      I'm using the following environment:


      O.S : Windows Vista
      JBoss jboss-5.1.0.GA
      Java jdk6
      No JBoss ESB Installed
      DB: MySQL/hsql

      Riftsaw: riftsaw 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT (371)





        • 1. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

          Moved riftsaw user forum.


          Hi Federico


          A problem with dynamic endpoint references has been fixed in the current trunk (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RIFTSAW-325), which may help.


          I would normally suggest trying out the latest snapshot, but there is currently a problem with the build as we are in the process of upgrading the esb, juddi and jbossws versions. If you keep an eye on https://hudson.jboss.org/jenkins/job/Riftsaw/ until the job goes blue and then download the snapshot to try.




          • 2. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

            Sorry, just seen the environment details at the end - so you have already been using a snapshot that would incorporate that RIFTSAW-325 fix.


            Best thing then is to create a simple example to demonstrate the issue and raise a jira.




            • 3. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

              Hi Gary,


              Related to this topic, I have seen the issue for SOA:


              which is not solved yet. As I understand this feature is not working yet. I'm right?


              Thank you,


              • 4. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

                This bugzilla related to an incorrect URL being written to UDDI. A patch has been applied to trunk and the riftsaw-2.3.x branch, although there is also a workaround to simply turn off uddi support:





                in ${server.home}/server/${server.config}/deploy/riftsaw.sar/bpel.properties.




                • 5. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

                  Hi Gary,


                  We have a similar issue. We tried the dyn partner quickstart with the workaround. Then how do we invoke the BPEL as web service?


                  Please help..




                  • 6. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

                    Hi Ravi


                    Can you please clarify your issue - as this thread began discussing issues with dynamically assigning endpoint references, but has also touched on another issue.


                    From your description you mention trying the quickstart with the workaround, but have not indicated whether it worked for you or not. This example is about invoking an external web service based on a dynamically assigned URL - so your question is confusing in this context? Could you elaborate on what you are trying to do, and also what environment/versions you are using.




                    • 7. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

                      Hi Gary,


                      Thanks for your reply..


                      I am  currently using SOA Platform 5.2.0. I am trying to run the dynpartner quickstart example, but it is not assigning the url dynamically to the endpoint.


                      When I make



                      in Bpel.properties file.


                      When I deploy  the bpel, the  wsdl is not registered in the uddi. Kindly tell me how to invoke the Bpel when set the above properties.


                      Similarly I tried with attached project to invoke the arithmetic operations dynamically based on the operation but unable to do it.




                      • 8. Re: Trouble in Dynamic Endpoint Reference

                        Hi Ravi


                        Thanks for the clarification.


                        As mentioned in this thread, the problem with dynamic assignment (RIFTSAW-325) was fixed in 2.3.0.final which formed the basis of the BPEL support in SOA-P 5.2. However as described in the jira issue, a specific version of the jbossws-native stack was required as well as a patched version of the xalan.jar.


                        You will need to contact platform support to investigate why your specific case does not work on the platform - these forums are for issues related with the community project.


                        In terms of the properties - they simply bypass registering services (and looking them up) in UDDI. This simply means that when a BPEL process needs to invoke an external web service, it will use the soap address from the WSDL associated with that external service instead.


