1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 12, 2011 11:01 AM by jnt30

    how can i make the validation error message of graphValidator appear from the beginning of validation and without put it first input


      Dear ALL,

      i am working on richFaces 4 + JSF 2 + bean validation (JSR 303 + hibernate Validation). i have the following case:
      i have a validation annotations on each input.


      <f:validateBean validationGroups="myGroup" >


      <h:inputText value=#{Mybean.name}/>


      <h:inputText value=#{Mybean.age}/>


      <rich:graphValidator value=#{Mybean}>
                 <h:inputText value=#{Mybean.weight}/>



      <h:inputText value=#{Mybean.tall}/>



      if the first two inputs were not valid (name and age) the graphValidator error message will not appear.

      when the first two inputs were valid (name and age) the graphValidator error message appear.

      if last input (tall) didn't affect the graphValidator input (if last one valid or not dont car)

      i conclude that,  the graphValidator error message appear only if the previous input field was valid


      note : -  if i put the graphValidater on first, it will work, because it is the first one and no one to validate before

                - if i put it last one its validation will not work only if all other inputs (that they are before it) valid


      My question is : how can i make the validation error message of graphValidator appear from the beginning of validation and without put it first input.



      Mohd. Noor