4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 24, 2009 1:18 PM by apg9595

    Dynamic value expression in richfaces


      Consider i have two controllers and a base controller

      abstract class BaseController{
      //some functionality
      abstract getName();

      class A extends BaseController{

      public String getName(){
      return "Arun";

      class B extends BaseController{

      public String getName(){
      return "Ganesan";

      I have one and only one JSP with my code logics, i want to be able to use the instance of each of these controllers dynamically based on some condition.





      <!-- Depending on a condition here i want to set the instance of
      baseController in the bottom to the respective instance Class A or class
      B -->
      <a4j:commandLink value="#{baseController.name}"/>


      Does Richfaces provide a mechanism to do this?

        • 1. Re: Dynamic value expression in richfaces

          if the above is not possible how do i create this value expression dynamically through JAVA API, any suggestions?


          • 2. Re: Dynamic value expression in richfaces


            Why not use my DynamicEl Component for Seam Expressions? I think you can port it quite easily to other ELs. It's not optimal yet, but it's a start. It'd need to be enhanced to support more than one Expression on a page.

            public class DynamicExpressionLanguage
             private String dynamicEL;
             public Expressions.ValueExpression<Object> getValueExpression()
             Expressions expressions = Expressions.instance();
             String eval = "#{" + dynamicEL + "}";
             if (dynamicEL == null)
             eval = "#{'itsnull'}";
             Expressions.ValueExpression<Object> el = expressions.createValueExpression(eval);
             return el;
             public void setCurrentValue(Object value)
             Expressions.ValueExpression<Object> el = getValueExpression();
             public Object getCurrentValue()
             return getValueExpression().getValue();
             public void invoke(Object... objects)
             Expressions expressions = Expressions.instance();
             String eval = "#{" + dynamicEL + "}";
             if (dynamicEL == null)
             eval = "#{'itsnull'}";
             Expressions.MethodExpression<Object> el = expressions.createMethodExpression(eval);
             catch (Exception ex)
             FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage("messages", new FacesMessage("Could not call desired action: " + eval));
             public void setDynamicEL(String dynString)
             this.dynamicEL = dynString;
             public String getDynamicEL()
             return this.dynamicEL;


            <h:inputText value="#{comp.dynel}" />
            <h:outputText value="#{comp.dynel.currentValue}" />
            <h:commandButton value="show" />

            Now input an el expression (without #{ and } ) like
            "aComponent.aProperty" and watch the output.

            • 3. Re: Dynamic value expression in richfaces


              <h:inputText value="#{comp.dynel.dynamicEL}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{comp.dynel.currentValue}" />
              <h:commandButton value="show" />

              • 4. Re: Dynamic value expression in richfaces

                Sounds cool, thanks a ton. Will check it out.