1. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
minimike Jul 13, 2011 8:23 PM (in response to kimba74)Thats easy
Compile GateIn with Jboss AS 5 Target, From the packeged jboss move
jcip-annotations.jar in $JBOSS_HOME/server/INSTANCE/lib
Al gatein EAR and WAR files to $JBOSS_HOME/server/INSTANCE/deploy
$PACKAGE_HOME/default/conf/gatein to $JBOSS_HOME/server/INSTANCE/conf/gatein
For PostgreSQL you have to change a XML and adjust a new Datasource. Please also take a look inside $JBOSS_HOME/server/INSTANCE/conf/configuration.properties
cheers Darko
2. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
kimba74 Jul 14, 2011 9:20 AM (in response to minimike)Hi Darko,
Thanks for your quick response unfortunately I have done all that and even a bit more but I'm still facing problems running GateIn on a standard JBoss AS 5.1.0.
Here is what I did:
- I copied all GateIn related WAR and EAR files from
$GATEIN_HOME/server/default/deploy to $JBOSS_HOME/server/<INSTANCE>/deploy - I copied the jcip-annotations.jar from
$GATEIN_HOME/server/default/lib to $JBOSS_HOME/server/<INSTANCE>/lib - I copied the GateIn 'gatein' configuration directory from
$GATEIN_HOME/server/default/conf to $JBOSS_HOME/server/<INSTANCE>/conf - I added the line
<SessionCookie path="/"/>
to the file $JBOSS_HOME/server/<INSTANCE>/deploy/jbossweb.sar/ontext.xml - I added the block
<description>Portlet standard tlds</description>
to the 'jsp' Servlet definition in $JBOSS_HOME/server/<INSTANCE>/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/web.xml
Changes 4 and 5 I got from the Source Code as the app-server platform packaging seems to make those changes. However, when I start up JBoss I experience the following Exception (which in turns leads to many follow-up exceptions):
ERROR [ContainerUtil] Cannot load property file /opt/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/gatein/deploy/gatein.ear/lib/exo.kernel.commons-2.2.2-GA.jar/conf/configuration.properties
The file does not exist but it doesn't exist in the bundled GateIn-JBoss installation either. The way I see it this file should be overriden by the configuration.properties file located in the conf/gatein directory of my server instance, correct? It doesn't seem get picked up though which leads me to the conclusion that I missed some configuration entry somewhere. For testing purposes I did move the configuration.properties file from the conf/gatein to the conf directory with the exact same result. Any suggestions or ideas on what I missed?
- I copied all GateIn related WAR and EAR files from
3. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
theute Jul 14, 2011 11:25 AM (in response to kimba74)I think you are just missing -Dexo.conf.dir.name=gatein when you start JBoss (can be put in run.conf[.bat]
4. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
kimba74 Jul 14, 2011 12:02 PM (in response to theute)And the Oscar goes to...
Excellent! Thanks Thomas for your answer. Not sure how I could have missed that as I thought I examined the run.conf files but glad you noticed the missing configuration setting.
Thanks again,
5. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
krranitha Aug 10, 2011 5:50 AM (in response to kimba74)Hi Kimba/Thomas,
Thanks for your answer. I am getting the same error could you please what need to modify exactly in the (run.conf.bat) file. Please provide the details where to add the above code.
Here is my run.conf.bat file..
rem ### -*- batch file -*- ######################################################
rem # ##
rem # JBoss Bootstrap Script Configuration ##
rem # ##
rem #############################################################################rem # $Id: run.conf.bat 88820 2009-05-13 15:25:44Z dimitris@jboss.org $
rem #
rem # This batch file is executed by run.bat to initialize the environment
rem # variables that run.bat uses. It is recommended to use this file to
rem # configure these variables, rather than modifying run.bat itself.
rem #if not "x%JAVA_OPTS%" == "x" goto JAVA_OPTS_SET
rem #
rem # Specify the JBoss Profiler configuration file to load.
rem #
rem # Default is to not load a JBoss Profiler configuration file.
rem #
rem set "PROFILER=%JBOSS_HOME%\bin\jboss-profiler.properties"rem #
rem # Specify the location of the Java home directory (it is recommended that
rem # this always be set). If set, then "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" will be used as
rem # the Java VM executable; otherwise, "%JAVA%" will be used (see below).
rem #
rem set "JAVA_HOME=C:\opt\jdk1.6.0_13"rem #
rem # Specify the exact Java VM executable to use - only used if JAVA_HOME is
rem # not set. Default is "java".
rem #
rem set "JAVA=C:\opt\jdk1.6.0_13\bin\java"rem #
rem # Specify options to pass to the Java VM. Note, there are some additional
rem # options that are always passed by run.bat.
rem #rem # JVM memory allocation pool parameters - modify as appropriate.
set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"rem # Reduce the RMI GCs to once per hour for Sun JVMs.
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000"rem # Warn when resolving remote XML DTDs or schemas.
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true"rem # Sample JPDA settings for remote socket debugging
rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"rem # Sample JPDA settings for shared memory debugging
rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_shmem,address=jboss,server=y,suspend=n":JAVA_OPTS_SET
Thanks in Advacne.
Anitha R
6. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
deadsoul Aug 16, 2011 4:36 PM (in response to kimba74)Greetings everyone,
I am new to Jboss and GateIn and it would be really great to get some help here. I have downloaded GateIn 3.2.0 packaged with Jboss AS 6.0.0-Final. Unzipped it on Linux. I've set all the env variables. But I am not sure how to configure gatein to use MySQL database correctly. These are the steps I have made:
1.Downloaded Mysql JDBC connector and copied the .jar file to the lib directory of JBOSS server.
2.Edited the configuration.properties of conf/gatein.
3.Created the database mygateindb_portal.
What am I missing. Need help.
Thanks in advance
7. Re: Install GateIn into existing JBoss AS
mstruk Aug 17, 2011 5:56 AM (in response to deadsoul)Ilya, please start a new discussion for your issue, as it's not related to this one.