1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 19, 2011 8:44 AM by mp911de

    Integration of JFreeChart


      Hi there,


      we would like to add a JFreechart diagram to our jsf/richfaces page.


      when we use the chart as a jpg everything works well (except until not to refresh the chart!?)


      but we want to add some links to the chart, and from this links we want to navigate within our webapplication.


      is this possible, how can we add our chart not as a image, but as "something like HTML"?



        • 1. Re: Integration of JFreeChart

          Hi Uwe,

          you can pass HTML to your JSF page (e. g. <h:outputText escape="false" value="{yourBean.someHTML}" />). I would suggest to create a Image-Map HTML, these Links should point either to JSF-Pages or you would use a servlet for dispatching your request, in case you need to setup your view before displaying it. I don't know how you print your JPG, I would also suggest a servlet, that takes byte[]-data from some managed bean.


          Best regards,
