2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 30, 2012 2:42 PM by svinothmca

    H2 database




      what is the best way to view the entries in the H2 database?


      The database file can be found here: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\test.db if you are on windows. It is not in the jbpm-installer directory. You possibly could repair a broken db with the from h2 provided tools:



      But sometimes it fails and mostly I dont see any entries(but processes are started and running). Perhaps the h2 tools start in a different session?


      How can I change the location of the db file? Would be nice if would be in the installer directory, too.


      I have tried it with some arguments, but it does not work:




        <target name="start.h2" depends="download.h2">

          <java classname="org.h2.tools.Server" fork="true" spawn="true">

            <arg value="-tcp" />

            <arg value="-baseDir=${install.home}/repository"/>

            <classpath location="${install.home}/db/driver/h2.jar" />




