0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 19, 2011 10:09 AM by afoures

    Use asynchronous ajax request : component tree problem?




      I used richfaces 3.3.3 with jboss 4.2.3 and jsf 1.2

      I want to use asynchronous ajax request,but have probleme with this scenario :


      - on load page a a4j:jsfunction send the request(1)

      - before get the reponse of the request(1), i send an other request(2) which open an modalPanel on oncomplete()

      - in this modalpanel i have a suggestionbox, and if i used this sugestion box after get the response of the request(1), the suggestionbox doesn't work, the request is send but the action on server is not called.

      The request(1) don't reRender the modalPanel.

      The request(2) build dataTable which contains the suggestion box.


      ---> request 1

      ---> request 2

      <--- request 2(build datatable and open and reRender modalpanel)

      <--- request 1

      ---> request 3 (use suggestion box)

      <--- request 3 (no response cient side)


      I have already met the same problem when i have desynchronization beetween client side interface and  server side component tree.


      Is it the same problem? is an solution exist to use asynchronous ajax without this problem?



