1. Re: Making sense of events in the CDK
nbelaevski Jul 21, 2011 10:04 PM (in response to bleathem)Hi Brian,
>> The only thing I can guess, is that if I define my component with an attribute that corresponds to one of these events,
>> that the value of that attribute will be passed into the generated javascipt. Thereby allowing me to define a custom event handler.
That's exactly how it works.
>> Why I think this is not correct, however, is what of the other event attibutes defined in the AbstractComponent?
They are handled in another place, e.g. wriiten as inline script by pass-through encoder. The difference there is that some HTML events can be used directly (like 'onclick') but for the other ones additional logic is implemented in component JavaScript code (e.g. onchange of input number slider is triggered by either text input update or slider handle position changed so we should trigger event for both cases).
2. Re: Making sense of events in the CDK
bleathem Jul 21, 2011 10:24 PM (in response to nbelaevski)Thanks Nick, that helps a lot!