0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 26, 2011 6:57 AM by gonne

    How to enable JSF2 annotation scanning in ejb module


      I have an ear deployment with the following structure:




      | --- lib

      |      |

      |      | --- lib.jar

      |                |

      |                | --- META-INF / faces-config.xml

      | --- myejb.jar

      |      |

      |      | --- META-INF / faces-config.xml

      | --- myweb.war


            | --- WEB-INF


                     | --- faces-config.xml

                     | --- lib

                     | --- classes


      I have a converter class annotated with @FacesConverter. If the converter class is in my web archive myweb.war or in the lib.jar the converter is registered by JSF via annotation scanning.

      But a converter class in my ejb module myejb.jar is not registered via annotation scanning, only when I add it with a converter entry in the myejb.jar/META-INF/faces-config.xml.


      Is it possible to enable JSF2 annotation scanning for ejb modules?


      Kind regards,
