0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 27, 2011 6:51 AM by six-p4ck

    Auto-selection in a extendedDataTable


      Hello all,


      I use the extendedDataTable (Richfaces 4) in a normal way and all work fine, but i'd like do something i don't find how to do.


      Code of my extendedDataTable :


      <rich:extendedDataTable rows="20" id="folderTable"

                          value="#{SearchResultBean.folders}" var="folder"

                          rendered="#{not empty SearchResultBean.folders}"









      The selection work fine but users needs to take mouse and click on the first row of the table.

      They want skip that and don't use the mouse.

      After i had key binding to move in the table.


      How can i select the first row by default?


      i have try with:



      But doesn't work.


      Someone had more idea?

