1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 10, 2011 10:08 AM by daleellis1983

    rich:dataGrid cell help


      Hi all,


      I'm new to Richfaces, I have developed in JSF1.1 for a few years and worked with ADF for about 2 months but that's about as much similar experiance I have with Richfaces.


      I have always liked the look of richfaces so a project at work I have decided to use it as it fits the bill. I require to have a small config driven site and I am having an issue with dataGrid.


      In many places I am trying to loop through some configuration data which are usually name value pairs but all elements are inserted into the one cell per iteration.


      If I use panelGrid it behaves almost fine I have to use a loop and load the dataGrid stylesheet to make it appear the same as a dataGrid and that is ok in most scenrios. The one scenrio that doesn't work is if I have items that are not rendered such as below, that cause some blank cells.


      <h:panelGrid styleClass="rf-dg" rowClasses="rf-dg-r" columnClasses="rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c, rf-dg-c"

                style="width:${layoutBean.caseSearchBoxWidth}" columns="${layoutBean.caseSearchBoxColumns}">

                <c:forEach items="${caseBean.searchFields}" var="field">



                          <h:outputLabel value="${field.definition.label}" style="font-weight: bold;"/>



                          <!-- Display different types of field depending on type -->

                          <!-- NORMAL TEXT BOX -->

                          <h:inputText value="${field.value}" label="${field.definition.label}" rendered="${empty field.definition.options}" />



                          <!-- SELECT LIST -->

                          <h:selectOneMenu value="${field.value}" label="${field.definition.label}" rendered="${not empty field.definition.options}">

                                    <f:selectItems value="${field.definition.options}" />










      <rich:dataGrid value="${caseBean.searchFields}" var="field"

          style="width:${layoutBean.caseSearchBoxWidth}" columns="${layoutBean.caseSearchBoxColumns}">



                <h:outputLabel value="${field.definition.label}" />



                // Display different types of field depending on type

                //NORMAL TEXT BOX

                <h:inputText value="${field.value}" label="${field.definition.label}" rendered="${empty field.definition.options}" />



                // SELECT LIST

                <h:selectOneMenu value="${field.value}" label="${field.definition.label}" rendered="${not empty field.definition.options}">

                          <f:selectItems value="${field.definition.options}" />






      So what I woudl really like is to use the dataGrid tag as above in teh 2nd example but have it put each individual item in a cell like a panelGrid does. I have tried wraping the various output tags to try make it move onto a new cell such as wraping outputText tags with columns tags or panel tags but no success as yet.


      Is there a way to achieve what I'm after? Am I using the right tag? maybe I have misunderstand teh purpose of dataGrid


      Thanks in advance,
