1. Re: 3rd party dependency management
lfryc Aug 11, 2011 4:25 AM (in response to justinwyer)Hi Justin,
this is great idea, I think git submodules will work for us,
I would suggest to create new organization richfaces-thirdparty to allow migrate non-Git repositories there and do not pollute richfaces organization repositories much.
15:21:16 <wyer> balunasj, sub module works with non git repos too so that is good
You have mentioned [1] that it is possible to add non-git repositories via git submodules when we discussed it previously.
I'm not sure how does it work.
2. Re: 3rd party dependency management
justinwyer Aug 11, 2011 4:42 AM (in response to lfryc)Hi Lukas yeah I thought it could point to external non git repos, but I was wrong (thinking of something else). Regardless we would still need to bring source into github if its not there to be forked to ensure continuity of the 3rd party source regardless of what occurs in that project.
3. Re: 3rd party dependency management
lfryc Aug 11, 2011 4:44 AM (in response to justinwyer)Hey Justin,
sure, we would need to clone repository also if it is hosted in Git,
since Git Submodules don't store the referenced repos, they are just storing information where they can be found,
so it will not assure these repos will be accessible in future.
4. Re: 3rd party dependency management
lfryc Aug 11, 2011 4:46 AM (in response to justinwyer)There are also some Git extensions for cloning non-Git SCM repos like SVN, Mercurial, which can help us with process of cloning.
5. Re: 3rd party dependency management
bleathem Aug 18, 2011 6:37 PM (in response to justinwyer)This is great - Lukas I like the idea of creating a sperate github "organisation" to host these. There is no telling how many repose we will have to fork over time.
We'll have to fit this in to our development/release process. So we don't forget to update and tag the forks when we upgrade the components. I suppose it would be ideal if our build used the forkes directly, to make sure we are in fact updating and tagging appropriately. Something with the maven shade plugin perhaps?
6. Re: 3rd party dependency management
lfryc Aug 22, 2011 11:17 AM (in response to bleathem)Just to be sure - we are talking about JavaScript dependencies only.
These we are able to re-package as Maven dependencies, but not sure we are able to make Maven work together with their build systems.
Btw, there is list of third-party dependencies: http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RichFacesDependencies