1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 15, 2011 10:41 AM by ataylor

    Flash ActionScript 3 and HornetQ


      Hi all,


      I am new with HornetQ and we are creating a new Game and just wanted to ask some questions to you...


      I had an old project with ActiveMQ + BlazeDS + Java + Flex which worked well but the protocol was by pooling creating JMS Consumers in a several servers with session stickyness in them. That brough me a lot of problems.

      I want to know if HornetQ could help me improve that situation....



      1- Can I connect from ActionScript directly to a HornetQ???


      2- There is a flash implementation of AMQP that it is working with RabbitMQ, but I am using Jboss, so I think that HornetQ is the best answer.

      So is HornetQ implementing AMQP (I dont know the specific version of AMQP right now)


      If someone has any guidance on how to implement push protocol for a Flash Actionscript game with Jboss + HornetQ I am more than happy to hear them...


      Thanks all in Advance.

        • 1. Re: Flash ActionScript 3 and HornetQ

          Can I connect from ActionScript directly to a HornetQ???

          Don't really know anything about ActionScript, however HornetQ implements the Stomp protocol so maybe theres a client you can use.


          So is HornetQ implementing AMQP (I dont know the specific version of AMQP right now)

          No, not at this present time