0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 22, 2011 3:09 PM by sg26565

    How can I run initialization code in the background on server startup




      I'd like to run some initialization code when AS 7.0.1 starts up. However, I don't want to block the startup of the server. Therefore, I'm trying to run the code in the background.


      So far, none of the options worked for me:


      1) I wrote a signleton session bean with @Startup @Sigleton and a @PostConstruct method that calls an @Asynchronous method:

      public class StartupSingleton {
          private Logger logger;
          private void asyncInit() {
              logger.info("begin initialization");
              try {
              } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
              logger.info("done initialization");
          public void Start() {
              logger.info("call asyncInit()");
              logger.info("continue startup");


      Expected result is:

      call asyncInit()
      begin initialization
      continue startup
      done initialization


      ... but instead I get:

      call asyncInit()
      begin initialization
      done initialization
      continue startup


      2) I moved the @Asynchronous method to a separate @Stateless session ejb and @Injected it onto the @Singleton

      public class StartupSingleton {
          private Logger logger;
          private InitBean bean;
          public void Start() {
              logger.info("call asyncInit()");
              logger.info("continue startup");


      public class InitBean {
          private Logger logger;
          public void asyncInit() {
              logger.info("begin initialization");
              try {
              } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
              logger.info("done initialization");


      3) Fired a ContainerStartupEvent and @Observe it in a separate class:

      public class StartupSingleton {
          private Logger logger;
          private Event<ContainerStartupEvent> event;
          public void Start() {
              logger.info("fire event");
              event.fire(new ContainerStartupEvent());
              logger.info("continue startup");


      public class StartUpObserver {
          private Logger logger;
          public void startup(@Observes final ContainerStartupEvent event) {
              logger.info("begin initialization");
              try {
              } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
              logger.info("done initialization");


      4) Manually creating a new thread insde the initialization code doesn't work either, because then injected beans are not accessible on the new thread.


      Is there another solution to run code on server startup asynchronously?