1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 23, 2011 1:46 PM by bharathnav

    rich:picklist problem on refresh


      Hi All,


      1)I have implemented rich:picklist in my app using newer version of richfaces (4.1.0.M1), and I could successfully get the data on both (left side and right side) list. I have a command button to submit the data. So now u guess I have 5 records listed in the left list out of which i selected 2 and moved it to right side list and submitted the data.


      After submit in the backing bean am getting the correct details but the problem am facing is after the submit all the data from left side list will be shifted to right side list....... can anyone let me know why this is happening.......... or anyone faced the similar situation.


      2) After the records are listed in the left list on mouse over / click I should be able to get the value of that particular record. Is this possible to achieve.


      Someone pls help me resolving this.


