1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 17, 2011 2:50 AM by bouz78

    rich:tab issues


      Hello everyone!

      here's my problem. I have 3 rich:tab in a rich:tabPanel so the first one render the data but as soon i click to the others tabs i lost the rendering data for the first one and also the tabs which I click does not contains any data or info.

      Here's the sample of the rich:panel

      <ui:define name="content">


                  <rich:tabPanel  switchtype="ajax" rendered="true">


                      <rich:tab id="orderCarTab" header="car"


                          <ui:insert name="orderCar" />


                      <rich:tab id="orderBicycleTab" header="bicycle"


                          <ui:insert name="orderBicycle" />


                      <rich:tab id="orderRollersTab" header="rollers"


                          <ui:insert name="orderRollers" />


                  </rich:tabPanel> ...

      I use the navigation rules to specify task flow which allow me to access to the first tab.

      here's an sample

      <ui:define name="orderCar">

              <h:form id="orderCarId" styleClass="edit">

                  <h:panelGrid columns="1" columnClasses="gridContent" width="100%">


                          <ui:decorate id="carIDDecoration" template="/view/layout/edit.xhtml">

                              <ui:define name="label">Order Car: </ui:define>

                              <h:inputText id="OrdercarNumber" label="Order car ID"

                                  value="#{orderSearchList.currentOrder.carID}" readonly="true" styleClass="readOnly"

                                  size="20" maxlength="25" >




      Could someone help ! for me to render data thru the others tabs and navigate between tabs without issue


      Best regards JAC

        • 1. Re: rich:tab issues

          Thanks guys !

          Alright I find out my mistake. So if you reslize on the code there's <ui:insert name="orderBicycle" /> and <ui:insert name="orderRollers" />

          Indeed I change the 2nd insert for an <ui:include> Now works perfectly


          Thanks everyone