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1. Re: dirty transaction remains when exception in rollback (JBTM-751)
jhalliday Sep 19, 2011 12:24 PM (in response to rocadel)Thanks for the update. AS 5 is pretty much dead from a dev point of view, but you can open a JBAS project JIRA issue against it if you like. Alternatively if you have an EAP 5 support subscription then you can open a support ticket though the portal, which is likely to get more attention. AS7 uses the new ironjacamar JCA - use the JBJCA or AS7 project in JIRA to report issues against that.
2. Re: dirty transaction remains when exception in rollback (JBTM-751)
rocadel Sep 20, 2011 7:45 AM (in response to jhalliday)I've created issue
I also inspected IronJacamar code, but the problem is already fixed by the JBJCA-599 commit