1. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
bleathem Sep 27, 2011 10:30 AM (in response to bleathem)Thinking about it some more, the startsWith check would give a false positive when checking nested components. However, if we check for the JSF client ID sperator in the trailing piece, we would be more rigorous.
2. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
bleathem Sep 27, 2011 1:53 PM (in response to bleathem)I implemented the above check, and pushed the change to the github branch:
The check is done in the method:
public static boolean isBehaviorSourceValid(char separatorChar, String behaviorSource, String clientId) { if (behaviorSource == null) { return false; } if (!behaviorSource.startsWith(clientId)) { return false; } int suffixStart = behaviorSource.indexOf(clientId); int suffixEnd = suffixStart + clientId.length(); String suffix = behaviorSource.substring(suffixEnd); boolean containsSeperatorChar = (suffix.indexOf(separatorChar) >= 0); return (! containsSeperatorChar); }
3. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
nbelaevski Sep 28, 2011 11:59 PM (in response to bleathem)Brian,
IMHO, this is a problem of autocomplete that should be providing correct behavior context with clientId explicitly set on rendering and utility class should not left changed. For example you can take a look at how Mojarra/MyFaces do this for select many checkbox component.
Alternatively, 'change' event can be called in the context of root component element.
4. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
ilya_shaikovsky Sep 29, 2011 7:12 PM (in response to bleathem)First thoughts was about the cases like
<input id="input1"/>
<input id="input2"/>
if somehow "input" will be passed as a source (some durty javascript sent just from debug console or something like that) then it potentially could allow the behavior from input1 pretend to be bound to input2. But thats seems too fantasy case.
And I think that
check you made is really enough and should be the only problem. -
5. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
bleathem Oct 3, 2011 8:02 PM (in response to bleathem)I remedied RF-10862 by firing an additional event with the ID of the autocomplete component, rather than loosening up the RenderkitUtils decodeBehaviours restrictions.
If more similar issues come up, we can take another look at loosening up the decodeBehaviours restrictions.
6. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
bleathem Jul 26, 2012 5:42 PM (in response to bleathem)This came up again with RF-12114. I again resolved the issue by firing secondary events. We need a more robust solution, as this undobtedly affects other components too.
The DOM event model supports bubbling of events, we should consider supporting a similar bubbling of events within event model of the JSF component tree. The startWith/separationChar check suggested above seems like a good start at supporting such a bubbling of events, by restricting the "bubbling" of JSF events accross JSF component boundaries.
We should build the required tests to guard against regressions, and make the above change.
7. Re: RenderkitUtils and decodeBehaviors
lfryc Jul 30, 2012 3:28 AM (in response to bleathem)Brian, could you write down how you imagine the proposed alghoritm for DOM Event bubbling?