1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 27, 2011 3:48 AM by ajupmathew

    Richfaces :- richContextMenu reRender issue


      Hi All,


      I am facing an issue in rich:ContextMenu. When I Click on a link that comes inside rich:extendedDataTable. Then this richContextMenu will open. As a part of my requirement I want to show or hide one menu. For that i am using one a4j call.It will reRender this rich:ContextMenu. At the time of reRendering menu cannot visible.


      I will sending the code.


      Thank you.


      rich:contextMenu styleClass="drop_business" attached="titelLink" id="menuRich" showDelay="300"


                          <rich:menuItem id="hj" target="#{sAction.getTarget()}"

                              ajaxSingle="true" onclick="openPopup()">

                              <h:outputText value="123" />



                          <rich:menuItem id="hd" target="#{sAction.getTarget()}" rendered="#{sAction.isMenuDisplay()}" requestDelay="300"

                              ajaxSingle="true" onclick="openPopup()">

                              <h:outputText value="456" />



        • 1. Re: Richfaces :- richContextMenu reRender issue

          Forgot to add the remaining code.


          <rich:extendedDataTable styleClass="axaTable"

                      enableContextMenu="false" id="partnerGeshchaefttable" width="1040px"

                      height="180px" value="#{list}" border="1"

                      var="ppp" rowKeyVar="rowKey" selectionMode="none">




          <a4j:commandLink id="titelLink" value="#{ppp.ges}"

                           styleClass="underlineTextWithHand" actionListener="#{sDataAction.setMenuDisplay}" immediate="true" ajaxSingle="true" reRender="menuRich, menuDiv, hodDisplaySpan" oncomplete="#{rich:component('menuRich')}.show(lastEvent, {})">

                               <a4j:actionparam name="selectedGes" value="#{ppp.gesNrb}" assignTo="#{sAction.selectedGes}" />



          <rich:componentControl attachTo="titelLink" event="onclick" for="menuRich" name="showMenu"





