0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 1, 2011 6:41 AM by forst

    Need Tutorial starting with RichFaces 4 , JSF 2.0 , Eclipse 3.7


      Hello  all


      I'm news with Richfaces


      I have a trouble to installa richfaces 4 on Eclipse IDE 3.7 (indigo )  but it's ok on Netbeans 3.7.  Eclipse dont' recognize taglib richfaces (html:xmns ..)


      I know there are many turoial on the net such as 'jboss developper guide' but it's not work  et there are many différences version 'quick starting' et and i dont' use maven , i use only simply richfaces 4  with eclipse 3.7.
      I have correctly put lib (richfaaces4 , apapche commons, jre, jsf..) and configure web.xml, faces-config.xml but do'nt work .
      I need turorial step by step how configure with eclispe (correct version lib,web.xml, folder,...)  and / or a example simple richfaces.


      Thanks you very much