0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 5, 2011 3:59 AM by udavz

    Resource serving: process faces request





      JBoss Bridge 2.1.0.Final + Seam + RichFaces + Facelets +WebSphere Portal 6.1



      All ajax calls are handled correctly by the AjaxPortletBridge.doFacesRequest(ResourceRequest request, ResourceResponse response)

      However when I try to create resourceURL with facelets view as resourceId I get 500 error.

      The problem is that the bridge expects that some parameters will be passed to start faces lyfecycle processing

      if (null == request.getParameter(Bridge.FACES_VIEW_ID_PARAMETER)

                          && null == request

                                  .getParameter(Bridge.FACES_VIEW_PATH_PARAMETER)) {

           // just forward to some resources using PortletRequestDispatcher

           // i.e. non faces resource


           dispatcher.forward(request, response);


      } else {

                      // FACES REQUEST.




      Without parameters it just dispatch request using provided resourceID. If resourceID is facelets view we get an error (500), if jsp/servlet then everething works fine of cource.


      The question is how to create non-ajax faces resource request.


      I would like to open some jsf view (facelet xhtml view) in the new window without portal markup using portlet resource serving while now I have to use webapplication context instead  and pass parameters via application portlet scope.


