11 Replies Latest reply on Nov 3, 2011 1:10 PM by lfryc

    How to use RF4.1 M2 rich editor?


      I'm trying to use the new rich editor bundled on RF4.1.


      if I try the following:


      <rich:editor id="${id}" value="#{value}">

         <f:facet name="config">

              CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',


                  toolbar : 'Basic',

                  uiColor : '#9AB8F3'

                  config.language = 'pt-br';





      It shows an empty box, and the value is pure text.


      I then tried to check the examples mentioned on this blog post about the release of rf4 m2 rich editor:




      But this example uses "http://richfaces.org/input name space, which doesn work for M2.

      I couldnt find any examples of rich editor on the M2 richfaces showcase.


      Could anyone give me an working example of the richeditor with configuration to show a basic toolbar which saves the content as html?


