0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 5, 2009 3:43 PM by elridge

    JavaScript Access to currently selected item in <rich:listSh


      I hope this is the correct place this type of question.

      I am using richfaces 3.1.5. I am trying to figure out how to access (via JavaScript) the currently selected item(s) in the source/target lists in the <rich:listShuttle > component?

      As an example, I want to be able to fire a JavaScript reporting call onCopyClick in the listShuttle component. I do not know how (if it is possible) to access the selected item(s) from the source or target lists in JavaScript.

      In the code example below, I wish to be able to make a call like:
      oncopyclick="dcsMultiTrack('DCSext.dctag2','Columns','DCSext.dctag3', 'Add', 'DCSext.dctag4', '[currently selected item(s)]');"

      I need to know with what to replace '[currently selected item(s)]' in the call above.

       <a4j:form id="tabcatColumnPicker">
       <rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{toolBar.freeItems}"
       targetValue="#{toolBar.items}" var="items"
       converter="listShuttleconverter" id="tabcatListShuttleColumns"
       copyControlLabel="#{msgs.Add}" copyAllControlLabel="#{msgs.AddAll}"
       topControlLabel="#{msgs.Top}" upControlLabel="#{msgs.Up}"
       downControlLabel="#{msgs.Down}" bottomControlLabel="#{msgs.Bottom}"
       sourceListWidth="350" targetListWidth="350" listsHeight="250"
       oncopyallclick="dcsMultiTrack('DCSext.dctag2','Columns','DCSext.dctag3', 'Add All', 'DCSext.dctag4', 'None');"
       onremoveallclick="dcsMultiTrack('DCSext.dctag2','Columns','DCSext.dctag3', 'Remove All', 'DCSext.dctag4', 'None');"
       oncopyclick="dcsMultiTrack('DCSext.dctag2','Columns','DCSext.dctag3', 'Add', 'DCSext.dctag4', '[currently selected item(s)]');"
       <h:outputText value="#{items.label}"></h:outputText>
       <a4j:commandButton value="#{msgs.Ok}" reRender="tabcatPageHeadingControlBar,tabcatFilterTable,tabcatFilterForm,tabcatColumnPickerPanel,tabcatNumResults,tabcatPagingTop,tabcatProductsTableForm,tabcatPagingBottom,niWdSimpleFeedbackForm" onclick="showLoadingMessage();"
       oncomplete="dcsMultiTrack('DCSext.dctag2','Columns','DCSext.dctag3', 'Selected Columns', 'DCSext.dctag4', '#{toolBar.itemsStr}'); hideLoadingMessage();" />

      Please Note: the data for the source and target lists is generated by use of a <rich:column> component within the <rich:listShuttle> component.

      Is it even possible in this version of richfaces (3.1.5) to access the desired value via JavaScript? Any and all help would be appreciated!

