0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 19, 2011 8:32 AM by aronjiao

    [jbpm5] How to use UserTask's Properties:Skippable and Priority


      Hello, the Jboss Community


      I have a question about how to use UserTask's Properties:Skippable and Priority.


      As you can see,there are some informations in


      12.1. Human tasks inside processes

      Priority:An integer indicating the priority of the human task.

      Skippable:Spesifies whether the human task can be skipped,i.e.,whether the actor may decide not to execute the task.




      But I still don't know how to user these twos properties to control the human task.

      Are there any detailed informations about these two properties?

      And are there any sample projects?


      Look forward to your guidance!
