4 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2012 5:21 AM by rhusar

    Question about JBoss AS and Java.


      Do java programmers using JBoss tend to use their api jar libs, like javaee.jar, to code

      JBoss Server programs (by including relevant jar,war,ear files to the server later), or do they depart from this,

      and rely on the JBoss jar lib files? 


      What are the jar files in, say, the JBoss 5 lib directory? Are they files for the server/container programs to run,

      or are they intended as a second api away from Sun/Oracle/(even GNU) for programmers to use?

      If they are the latter, could a researcher have some kind of idea of how many JBoss java programmers

      would change api's (be they commercial or open source licensees) ?  Or do most people go with either, and not

      worry about any such distinctions?


      And by the by, what are then are the jar files inside the client directory for?

        • 1. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.

          I take you are using AS5. You can use in your pom.xml


            <!-- Target application server, provided scope -->








          That should do unless you want to use some of the internals, there you use artifact-id: jboss-as-server.

          • 2. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.

            I'm just asking JBoss about what most people do.  Is there a full

            language api for Java pretty much as part of JBoss, and if so,

            on average how many JBoss java users go with that

            instead of the Sun/Oracle api inside rt.jar and javaee.jar?

            • 3. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.

              My question is simply this:


              the present version of Java EE from Oracle/Sun (whichever) has its files in javee.jar, inside the javax.ejb.*  package.


              I use Netbeans 7.0.1 with JBoss Application Server to program, compile,build,deply my EJBs (v3.0).


              Now, the JBoss AS has it's own duplicate/modified java class libs, particularly its own javax.ejb.* classes.


              Are these classes in JBoss the same as the classes inside the Oracle/Sun javaee.jar?


              What version of Oracle Java do the ones inside JBoss (5.1.0.GA) correspond to?

              • 4. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.

                Are these classes in JBoss the same as the classes inside the Oracle/Sun javaee.jar?

                Well, you should be able to find that out yourself -- just compare to the Oracle ones. I dont really know.


                I am also not sure what you are trying to do with this. API is API which is the same as its prescribed by Java EE. What matters is the implementation.