1. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.
rhusar Oct 20, 2011 5:21 AM (in response to fredfred)I take you are using AS5. You can use in your pom.xml
<!-- Target application server, provided scope -->
That should do unless you want to use some of the internals, there you use artifact-id: jboss-as-server.
2. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.
fredfred Oct 20, 2011 8:57 PM (in response to rhusar)I'm just asking JBoss about what most people do. Is there a full
language api for Java pretty much as part of JBoss, and if so,
on average how many JBoss java users go with that
instead of the Sun/Oracle api inside rt.jar and javaee.jar?
3. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.
fredfred Jan 23, 2012 9:53 PM (in response to fredfred)My question is simply this:
the present version of Java EE from Oracle/Sun (whichever) has its files in javee.jar, inside the javax.ejb.* package.
I use Netbeans 7.0.1 with JBoss Application Server to program, compile,build,deply my EJBs (v3.0).
Now, the JBoss AS has it's own duplicate/modified java class libs, particularly its own javax.ejb.* classes.
Are these classes in JBoss the same as the classes inside the Oracle/Sun javaee.jar?
What version of Oracle Java do the ones inside JBoss (5.1.0.GA) correspond to?
4. Re: Question about JBoss AS and Java.
rhusar Feb 1, 2012 5:21 AM (in response to fredfred)Are these classes in JBoss the same as the classes inside the Oracle/Sun javaee.jar?
Well, you should be able to find that out yourself -- just compare to the Oracle ones. I dont really know.
I am also not sure what you are trying to do with this. API is API which is the same as its prescribed by Java EE. What matters is the implementation.