2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 27, 2011 7:01 AM by henk53

    Better ordering on index of community page?




      Currently the index page of the JBoss Community (http://community.jboss.org/index.jspa) lists a great deal of projects. Some are listed beneath JBoss AS, some are grouped within their own heading like services or programming model.


      Projects have fancy names, like HornetQ, IronJacamar, and so on.


      The problem is that if a user has a problem with say JMS in JBoss AS, she is totally lost with this ordering. How should one know from the outset that JMS is implemented by HornetQ, JCA by IronJacamar, etc?


      Why not put cross-links using the API names under JBoss AS? There are a few there already, like EJB and JSF. You would then get something like:


      JBoss AS
         Java EE APIs
            JPA (links to Hibernate)
            JMS (links to HornetQ)
            JCA (links to IronJacamar)
            JTA/JTS (links to JBoss Transactions)
            JAX-RS (links to RESTEasy)