0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 26, 2011 3:51 AM by maniv

    maven build script for jboss-esb project


      Follow the below steps to create jboss-esb project build......


                <!--  mention node named "packaging" value as "jboss-esb" under parent root node called "project" and following node name called "version" -->

      • <packaging>jboss-esb</packaging>

                <!-- mention node named "resources" under parent node called "build" and following node name called "plugins"-->

      • <resources>


                          <!--  notify the folder where the META-INF folder exists  -->




                     <!--  can be added any content  which will be copied into .esb file archieve -->






             <!-- mention node named "plugins" under parent node called "build"-->

      • <plugins>







                                <!-- mention the archieve name on which jboss-esb project created by this script -->   





                                        <!-- mention build-esb to run jboss-esb build archieve -->



                                              <!--  goal should be as esb -->





