0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2011 4:37 PM by couse1

    a4j:commandbutton and EL for execute attribute




      I 've 2 buttons (a4j:commandbutton) and i use the same EL for execute attribute, with actionlistener to update the property (the same property used for EL).

      This is the code xhtml :


      <a4j:commandButton id="ajouter" value="Ajouter" 
           execute="#{administrationController.titres}" />
      <a4j:commandButton id="supprimer" value="Supprimer" 
           execute="#{administrationController.titres}" />


      It's ok when i only click on one button ("supprimer" or "ajouter"), but when i change ("ajouter" and after "supprimer" or "supprimer" and after "ajouter") i 've got an error on the first click because execute attribut has datas from the first button clicked. And after the pb when i click again  it's ok because i 've the good execute attribut.


      My listener :


           public void executeListener(ActionEvent event){
                String component = event.getComponent().getId();
                String attribut = (String) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("execute");
                System.out.println("LISTENER EXECUTE=> "+component);
                System.out.println("attribut : "+attribut);
                if (component.equals("ajouter")) setTitres("inputAbrege inputTitre");
                else if (component.equals("supprimer")) setTitres("selectTitre");
                else System.out.println("pas dans le if");
                attribut = (String) event.getComponent().getAttributes().get("execute");
                System.out.println("attribut2 : "+attribut+" et titre : "+getTitre());



      I don't know how to update the component a4j:button correctly. In others words how to update EL with the good IDS?

      I use JSF2 and RF4



      Kind regards
