2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 15, 2011 6:34 AM by roman.valina

    RHQ(JOPR) plugin


      I am succsefuly using standalone hornetQ in my project for more than one year. I would like to monitor hornetQ using RHQ 4.2.0  monitoring system by JBoss. I found hornetq-jopr-plugin 2.0.0.Final that might be able to chollect some hornetQ statistics.


      I  can succsefuly deploy the plugin to RHQ server and RHQ agent, but it is not possible to make this plugin working. It is not discovered in auto discavery queue, I also can not import that resource manually because it is not possible to choose "hornetq resource" from menu.


      Can somebody pleace advice where is problem? What I am doing rong?


      Thank you