Hi ,
I have face following TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: frequently when the user load increase . I have defined the max thread 400 and max db2 pool is 150 . When 20 used are loggin application work fine but when the used load increased it send the following exception
145 ERROR (http- TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract java.util.Vector com.dat.now.ord.ReplenishmentRequisitionSessionEX.query4Update(com.dat.abs.shd.GenericBean,com.dat.abs.shd.ABSUser) throws java.lang.Exception, causedBy:
at com.dat.abs.shd.ExtendedQueryBean.getWhereConditionValue(ExtendedQueryBean.java:1456)
I increase jta trancation time 300 to 600 but issues are remail . I monitor the system load of Db2 machine and Application machine it is normanl about 60 % resouce utilization . And Network load is normal also .
Please guide me how to resolve this issue . Because after this my system goes slow Specification
OS AIX 6.1(64) 16 Gb ram 8 core Cpu
Java 1.5 (64)
Jboss 5.1GA
DB IBM db2 9.2(64) have 32 GB ram 8 Core Cpu
Application = Standalone server (ERP )
Max user = 100
Please help me how to resolve this transaction roll back issue