1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Dec 8, 2011 4:55 AM by adinn Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Xts class does not have javax.jws.WebService annotation

        Pavlos Polianidis wrote:


        Solved. I moved manually the spring jars into the common/lib directory and i runs now!


        Andrew thank you so much for you're valuable help. Esspecially, for CXF and jboss 5 issue. I was struggling two weeks without knowing that detail.

        Apologies for not spotting it earlier. Unfortunately, I am no longer working on XTS so my recall of what happens where in which of its many release versions is suffering from slow bit-rot.



        Pavlos Polianidis wrote:


        I am impressed, how did you understand that i am using the CXF stack?




        (I think it was Arthur C Clarke who said that any sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic to those who do not understand it ;-)





        Andrew Dinn

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