2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 26, 2009 8:04 AM by petitefl3ur


      Hi everyone,

      I have a strange behavior with a picklist...i'm quite resign because i don't understand why this piece of code doesn't work. I certainly miss something...

      So let me explain, i work with Seam 2.2.0.GA and all libs that are package with this version.Server is jboss 5.1

      I am initializing the pickList in a EBJ when i load the page


      <page view-id="/skill.xhtml" no-conversation-view-id="/home.xhtml">
       <action execute="#{skillAction.init()}" />
       <rule if-outcome="updated">
       <redirect view-id="/user.xhtml" />

      public String init() {
       skills = skillDAO.findAuthorizedSkills(User.getId());
       skillsSelected = skillDAO.findSelectedSkin(User.getId());
       return "initialized";
      public String save() {
       user = entityManager.merge(user);
       return "updated";

      <rich:pickList id="skillPickList" value="#{skillAction.skillsSelected}">
       <s:selectItems value="#{skillAction.skills}" var="_skill" label="#{_skill.name}"/>
      <h:commandLink id="skillSave" action="#{skillAction.save()}" >
       <h:outputText value="Save"/>

      The thing is that it works perfectly the on the first launch...i can select or unselect items, the whole modification are put into the database.
      But if i logout, or restart the server, my skills that are in the database are not display anymore in the pickList component. And when i log the size of the lists in the init method of the EJB skillAction, lists are with correct size everytime, but anything happened with the pickList component!

      I have this in my component.xml in order to manager a converter
      <component name="org.jboss.seam.ui.entityConverter">
       <property name="entityManager">#{entityManager}</property>

      and in Skill.java entity bean i have override equals method to get the comparaison on the id.

      Where i am wrong? Why the richfaces component doesn't want my lists!? Do i have to write a specific converter?

      Thx in advance.

        • 1. Re: pickList

          if there are any faces messages in server log or at the page(using rich:messages) reported?

          • 2. Re: pickList

            mmmm ok it works...

            But i'm not on the same machine that this week end. And its the same code updated from the svn server.

            So last question...is there some cache that could have been freeze or somthing like that on jboss server?

            I will test it again tonight on my other computer...wait & see...

            Thx for your answer!