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1. Re: centos 6 on fedora 15
kaosmonk Jan 11, 2012 3:48 PM (in response to kaosmonk)Sorry, have found the answer I was looking for.
2. Re: centos 6 on fedora 15
kaosmonk Jan 11, 2012 4:27 PM (in response to kaosmonk)Sorry, have deleted your answer by mistake. I think I've read that specific boxgrinder version did not support building centos on eg. fedora, but then I have found an answer in boxgrinder FAQ section saying that it's actually possible.
3. Re: centos 6 on fedora 15
msavy Jan 11, 2012 4:28 PM (in response to kaosmonk)Great! Just for anyone else picking up this thread, you *can indeed build Centos 6 with BoxGrinder*.
kaos monk; if you have found any documentation that says we can't build centos 6, please let me know where you found it and I'll update it.
edit: repost after kaos monk accidentally deleted the replies
4. Re: centos 6 on fedora 15
kaosmonk Jan 11, 2012 4:55 PM (in response to msavy)You definitely can build centos 6, even on fedora 15, which is great!