2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 30, 2012 8:32 AM by iabughosh

    rich:editor RF 4.1 and JSF Mojarra



      I've this rich:editor code in my page (RF 4.1 Final) :

      <rich:editor value="#{richBean.contents}">

         <a4j:ajax event="change" render=":aPanel"/>

         <a4j:ajax event="dirty" render=":aPanel">

            <a4j:attachQueue requestDelay="5000" ignoreDupResponses="true"/>




      I've tested with the following JSF configuration :

      1-Mojarra-2.0.3 : fails to submit & render aPanel

      2-Mojarra-2.1.6 : same same.

      3-MyFaces-2.0.1: success.


      PS: if use ondirty='window.alert('something')' or onchange='window.alert('something')' alert appears for all configuration but for 1 & 2 no submit or render occures,


      can you confirm if this a RichFaces or Mojarra Bug ?



        • 1. Re: rich:editor RF 4.1 and JSF Mojarra

          Hi Ibrahim,


          the solution is evidently working on RichFaces Showcase hosting,

          which is currently running on Mojarra 2.0.3-b03 (JBAS 7.0).


          However can you observe any JavaScript errors or warnings in developer tools' console?


          Have you placed rich:editor to h:form tag?


          Could you try to define a4j:queue before the rich:editor?

          • 2. Re: rich:editor RF 4.1 and JSF Mojarra

            Hello Lukas,

            rich:editor is already inside a h:form, I've defined a4j:queue, but still the same, but i noticed with chrome console that when i use Mojarra 2.0.3 and start typing inside rich:editor too many requests get fired, with MyFaces 2.0.1 only one request get fired after 5 seconds (because of requestDelay="5000"), PFA.


            My environment is :

            JDK 1.6.0_24

            JBoss 6 final

            JSF 2 (MyFaces 2.0, Mojarra(2.0.8,2.1.6))

            RichFaces 4.1 Final.

