1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 11, 2011 7:24 PM by lightguard

    WELD-001304 More than one context active for scope type javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped


      A bit of background....

      I have split my project into different jars so that each web app can chose which to use:

      I have an api.jar, ejb.jar that are required for all wars

      I have a war (that is errai gwt based) that also includes soap.jar and rest.jar.

      My problem.....

      In ejb.jar I have a @Stateless Authenticator that authenticates the user, if successful this calls setUser(user) on a @SessionScoped bean.  This works fine and I can call this from an errai @Service bean from the gwt class level

      However, in soap.jar I have a @Stateless SOAPAuthenticator bean that then calls into the @Stateless Authenticator bean in ejb.jar.

      When it tries to call setUser during a valid authentication here I get the following..

      WELD-001304 More than one context active for scope type javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped

      Any pointers would be greatly appreciated as this has had me stumped for some days!!

      Thanks for your help
