1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 13, 2009 4:14 PM by darin8809

    Custom RevisionEntity - not being used


      I'm using envers (3.4.0-SNAPSHOT) and hibernate (3.3.1.GA). I have this model referenced in my hibernate.cfg.xml - on save - I'm getting the following:

      Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'global.revinfo' doesn't exist

      It seems like my CustomRevisionEntity is not being found. I've also tried the below class w/ an empty @RevisionEntity annotation. Any ideas?


      @Table(name = "revision_info")
      public class CustomRevisionEntity {
       private int id;
       private long timestamp;
       private String username = "storedatmodel";
       @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
       @Column(name = "revision_id", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
       public int getId() {
       return id;
       public void setId(int id) {
       this.id = id;
       @Column(name = "revision_timestamp")
       public long getTimestamp() {
       return timestamp;
       public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) {
       this.timestamp = timestamp;
       @Column(name = "username")
       public String getUsername() {
       return username;
       public void setUsername(String username) {
       this.username = username;